What I learned this week [2]

A. I’m reading

JQuery Fundamentals: after realizing that I don’t know the syntax of jquery well enough, I decided to self-educate myself on that matter. And I made a decision to start by reading a book, to at least have the basic knowledge.

B. Something new

Using the localization in jquery-ui-datepicker

//= require datepicker-it when written in a *.js file, that line is first parsed by Sprocket in Rails. This line tells rails to preload some external javascript files.

And in order to use a datepicker, we need to include all the languages that we’re going to use.

New gems

spreewald: from makandra, predefine most frequently used cucumber steps.

consul: from makandra again, to restrict the access right to data.

&& vs. andin ruby

use && for the task when you need only the boolean output. && has high precedence.

The and usage is more complicated, in a sense that it connects two parts of the evaluation. Use and in control flow. and has low precedence.

False value

Ruby: false, nil

Javascript: false, NaN, 0, empty string, undefined. In short, this article says, only object is truthy.

C. Something to remember

  • To deploy the code, vagrant ssh, and then bundle exec cap playground deploy. Since we need the ssh private key, and we can only have access to that key while we are still inside the local environment. Deploying from the terminal in vagrant would not work.

My mistakes